
Cumby......Ninety Years Ago
(Reprints of "The Cumby Rustler" from 1909

From the Cumby Rustler,
G. M. Morton, Editor

July 30, 1909

Ancestry Store Books 200x190

School will be open in Cumby. It will be two or three months yet, but that will pass quickly. When will the school board have schoolhouse doors hung to open outward? That is a serious question and one that concerns us all. The lives of our children depend on it. Do it now.

Miss Zora Lewis was married Sunday to George Stewart by E. R. Dickson. The bride is the daughter of Tom Lewis, and the groom a young farmer, both of the Friendship community. The match is a good one.

Notice Given - I have sold my business to D. B. Rippy and I will kindly ask all who owe me to come in pay me your accounts. I mean you, if you owe me. Allen L. Blount - Allen has long been in the shoe business here and had a good trade.

Billy Dickson has gone to Ballinger to visit his sister.

Guy Morgan of Soper, Okla., was home Tuesday for an hour or two between trains.

A. M. Maloney of Alexander came in yesterday to join his family now visiting S. D. Greaves.

Mrs. Fred Hull returned Tuesday from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. McDowell, at Wichita Falls.

Mrs. Walter Cross and children are spending a week with her sister at 
College Station.

O. P. West and wife of Commerce were here Tuesday to attend the funeral of little Redelium Lindley.

Mrs. Annie Cate and children are in Sulphur Springs this week visiting the family of her brother, Jack Titus, and friends.

Jimmie Hankins is home from Point to rest and see the folks, and to restore a pleasant smile to the faces of some of the girls.

Ed Lindley and wife are sad over the loss of their babe that passed away Sunday. It was spared to them only a few anxious weeks.

The editor has well of good stock water back of Center's blacksmith shop that is free to the public.

Hon. R. R. Williams, Democratic Bob, is attending the old settlers reunion at Sulphur Springs and at Mt. Pleasant this week. He is billed for an address at the latter place.

Will Prather and wife of Fort Worth are visiting the family of John Irons 
near Palestine and other friends. Will is still a letter carier and is getting a good salary and prospering.

Mr. Cothran who lives south of Sulphur Springs lost a fine mule in the wagon yard here first of the week. A post mortem examination by Dr. Ben Green showed that the small intestine was twisted.

Mrs. Anna Crain has returned to Lone Oak after a weeks visit with her 
sister, Mrs. Alvin Denton.

Miss Allie Rippy is a member of the Shoe Store force and would appreciate a visit from all her friends.

Miss Edith Williams of Ardmore is here on a visit to her grandmother, Mrs. P. A. Dickson.

Keeton and Branom shipped a car of fat hogs and cattle to Fort Worth this week. Curt was not very well and went with the stock for his health.

For Sale - 200 acres, well improved, good house and barn, lots, cistern and well, plenty wood, abundance of water, 130 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture. The finest proposition in Hopkins County. $22.50 per acre.

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